Monday, August 27, 2007

Mouse Shortcuts

This is a list of the most common mouse shortcuts in Firefox, and the equivalents in Internet Explorer and Opera. The shortcuts are for Windows, but most of the Firefox shortcuts should work in Linux too..

1: A Middle-click on a tab closes it on Windows by default. However, in Linux it pastes whatever is currently in the Clipboard and visits that site (or performs a search). This can be changed by setting the middlemouse.contentLoadURL pref to either true (for the Content Load URL feature) or false (for closing the tab).

2: By default, Ctrl+Left-click opens the link in a background tab (which will keep you navigating on the page you clicked the link on) and Shift+Ctrl+Left-click opens the link in a foreground tab. In order to reverse this behavior, select Tools > Options..., click on Tabs and check the When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately option.

Love happen's once and the rest is just life!!!!

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