Saturday, February 23, 2008

Put Copy to Folder and Move to Folder option in the Right Click !!

Like most computer professionals, I always try to find tweaks that improve the speed of my system or, at least, some usability aspects. In Windows XP, one of my favorite tweaks is one that enables the "Copy To Folder" and "Move To Folder" options in the right click menu. After using Windows Vista for a few weeks I tried this "trick" and

Enabling these two options requires some changes in the Windows Registry. Working with the Windows Registry is rather complicated so we tried to simplify things as much as possible. All you need to do is download the attached archive, extract it and follow the procedure described below:

First, download the attached archive file. After you extract it, you will see two files: enable_move_to.reg and enable_copy_to.reg.

Then, the Registry Editor will ask your permission to continue.

Once you press the Yes button, the necessary settings will be added and the Copy & Move To option will appear in the right click menu.

Note: You need to have administrative rights in order to enable these two options.

Love happen's once and the rest is just life!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Different Kinds Of Trojans !!

Remote Access Trojans

These trojans are the most popular trojans now.
Everyone wants to have such trojan because he
or she want to have access to their victim's hard drive.
The RAT'S (remote access trojans)are very
simple to use.Just make someone run the server
and you get the victim's IP and you have FULL
access to his or her computer.They you can
almost everything it depends of the trojan you use.
But the RAT'S have the common remote access trojan functions like:
keylogger,upload and download function,
make a screen shot and so on.Some people use the
trojans for malicious purposes.
They want just to delete and delete.This is lame.
There are many programs out there
that detects the most common trojans,but new trojans are
coming every day and these programs are not the maximum defense.
The trojans do always the same things.
If the trojan restart every time Windows is loaded that
means it put something in the registry
or in win.ini or in other system file so the trojan can restart.
Also the trojans create some file in
the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.The file is always looking
to be something that the victim will think
is a normal WINDOWS executable.Most trojans hide
from the Alt+Ctrl+Del menu.This is not
good because there are people who use only this way to see
which process are running.There are programs
that will tell me you exactly the process and the
file from where it comes.Yeah but some trojans
as I told you use fake names and it's a little hard
for some people to understand which process
should they kill.The remote access trojans opens
a port on your computer letting everyone to connect.
Some trojans has options like change the port
and put a password so only the guy that infect you
will be able to use the computer.The change
port option is very good because I'm sure you
don't want your victim to see that port 31337 is open
on their computer.Remote access trojans are
appearing every day and they will continue to appear.
For those that use such trojans: BE CAREFUL
you can infect yourself and they the victim you
wanted to destroy will revenge and you'll be sorry.
Password Sending Trojans

The purpose of these trojans is to rip all cached
passwords and send them to specified e-mail
without letting the victim about the e-mail.
Most of these trojans don't restart every time Windows
is loaded and most of them use port 25 to
send the e-mail.There are such trojans that e-mail
other information too like ICQ number
computer info and so on.These trojans are dangerous if
you have any passwords cached anywhere on your computer.

These trojans are very simple.The only one thing
they do is to log the keys that the victim is pressing
and then check for passwords in the log file.
In the most cases these trojans restart every
time Windows is loaded.They have options
like online and offline recording.In the online recording
they know that the victim is online and
they record everything.But in the offline recording
everything written after Windows start is
recorded and saved on the victims disk waiting for
to be transferred.

The only one function of these trojans is to
destroy and delete files.This makes them very simple
and easy to use.They can automatically
delete all your .dll or .ini or .exe files on your computer.
These are very dangerous trojans and once
you're infected be sure if you don't disinfect your
computer information will no longer exist.
FTP trojans

These trojans open port 21 on your computer
letting EVERYONE that has a FTP client to connect
to your computer without password and will full upload and download options.

These are the most common trojans.They all are dangerous
and you should me careful using them.
Love happen's once and the rest is just life!!!!

List of Ports commonly used by Trojans !!

Please note that this isn't a complete list by any means, but it will give you an idea of what to look out for . Be aware that some of the lower Ports may well be running valid services.

UDP: 1349 Back Ofrice DLL
31337 BackOfrice 1.20
31338 DeepBO
54321 BackOfrice 2000

TCP: 21 Blade Runner, Doly Trojan, Fore, Invisible FTP, WebEx, WinCrash
23 Tiny Telnet Server
25 Antigen, Email Password Sender, Haebu Coceda, Shtrilitz Stealth, Terminator, WinPC, WinSpy, Kuang2 0.17A-0.30
31 Hackers Paradise
80 Executor
456 Hackers Paradise
555 Ini-Killer, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy
666 Satanz Backdoor
1001 Silencer, WebEx
1011 Doly Trojan
1170 Psyber Stream Server, Voice
1234 Ultors Trojan
1243 SubSeven 1.0 - 1.8
1245 VooDoo Doll
1492 FTP99CMP
1600 Shivka-Burka
1807 SpySender
1981 Shockrave
1999 BackDoor 1.00-1.03
2001 Trojan Cow
2023 Ripper
2115 Bugs
2140 Deep Throat, The Invasor
2801 Phineas Phucker
3024 WinCrash
3129 Masters Paradise
3150 Deep Throat, The Invasor
3700 Portal of Doom
4092 WinCrash
4567 File Nail 1
4590 ICQTrojan
5000 Bubbel
5000 Sockets de Troie
5001 Sockets de Troie
5321 Firehotcker
5400 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha
5401 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha
5402 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha
5400 Blade Runner
5401 Blade Runner
5402 Blade Runner
5569 Robo-Hack
5742 WinCrash
6670 DeepThroat
6771 DeepThroat
6969 GateCrasher, Priority
7000 Remote Grab
7300 NetMonitor
7301 NetMonitor
7306 NetMonitor
7307 NetMonitor
7308 NetMonitor
7789 ICKiller
8787 BackOfrice 2000
9872 Portal of Doom
9873 Portal of Doom
9874 Portal of Doom
9875 Portal of Doom
9989 iNi-Killer
10067 Portal of Doom
10167 Portal of Doom
10607 Coma 1.0.9
11000 Senna Spy
11223 Progenic trojan
12223 Hack´99 KeyLogger
12345 GabanBus, NetBus
12346 GabanBus, NetBus
12361 Whack-a-mole
12362 Whack-a-mole
16969 Priority
20001 Millennium
20034 NetBus 2.0, Beta-NetBus 2.01
21544 GirlFriend 1.0, Beta-1.35
22222 Prosiak
23456 Evil FTP, Ugly FTP
26274 Delta
30100 NetSphere 1.27a
30101 NetSphere 1.27a
30102 NetSphere 1.27a
31337 Back Orifice
31338 Back Orifice, DeepBO
31339 NetSpy DK
31666 BOWhack
33333 Prosiak
34324 BigGluck, TN
40412 The Spy
40421 Masters Paradise
40422 Masters Paradise
40423 Masters Paradise
40426 Masters Paradise
47262 Delta
50505 Sockets de Troie
50766 Fore
53001 Remote Windows Shutdown
54321 SchoolBus .69-1.11
61466 Telecommando
65000 Devil

Love happen's once and the rest is just life!!!!